Safety Task Force
In July 2019 Network Rail announced the creation of a new Safety Task Force to drive improvements in track worker safety and significantly reduce the risk of track worker near misses, injury or even death while working on the lines.
They required an awareness campaign that educates and engages the workforce, informing them of the safety task force, details of their initiatives and when and how they will happen.
The success of this campaign is fully dependent on rollout and engagement at a regional level. Therefore, all collateral would need to be editable to allow specific regional changes to be made.
APS designed a campaign identity for use at both a national and regional level. Campaign rollout included posters, templates, icons, infographics and video book ends. A key part of the deliverables within the project was supplying editable PPT documents which had campaign assets such as icons fixed but certain copy areas and figures editable for the regions to distribute and print locally.